American Travelnotes 1/7 - New Haven, Connecticut

Publié le par Romain

September 2nd: Here it is, after a stop in Paris, i am in the plane ... flight without problem, with a stop in Canada. Arrival at the Newark airport, with a train to catch to reach New Haven. Well, my train 'disapeared' and i didn't know on which platform it was, but ok finally i can make it ...

View of Montréal from the plane

From the train, the view of Manhattan at dusk is simply marvelous!! I am really looking forward to see more! I arrive in New Haven around 10PM, tired but happy to be here.

New York skyline from the train

New Haven is a small city 100 km north of New York, along the coastline. The main attraction of the city is of course the prestigious Yale University. The first morning, i spend a couple of hours visiting downtown and buying useful stuff. The Old Yale campus is also located downtown; the architecture is really nice (the University has been founded in 1701) and is somewhat really British-style looking. The library is famous and is said to be one of the biggest of the world ... it seems that they even have an examplary of a Bible printed by Gutenberg!!

Downtown New Haven

Library of the Yale University

A little vid taken at the center of the old campus ... this is the kind of place you would not be surprised if Harry Potter suddenly arrive on a broomstick :)

Old campus, Yale University

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